3D Laser Scanning
Transforming reality into a digital twin has never been easier. Using only the best 3D scanning equipment, we are able to capture anything the eye can see and turn it into a digital model and point cloud. The accuracy and detail of the laser scanner is unmatched and can be used for engineering, planning, clash analysis and finally construction.
The 3D scanner is setup in various locations throughout a project or around a point of interest. The scanner collects millions of points per second to lay a ‘digital blanket’ on top of everything it can see. After strategically setting up in multiple locations, the data is now collected and the real work can begin. The process of combining and stitching all of these scans together is where all the magic happens. Once our QA/QC process has been completed, we are able to convert this point cloud into a usable model for access in CAD, Navisworks or Revit.
Services include, but are not limited to:
Head Office
Apex Geomatics Construction Surveyors Ltd.
#276, 2833 Broadmoor Blvd
Sherwood Park, AB
T8H 2H3
(587) 341-2375